Concord Scout House

Here's info on the Scouting Rooms Process for the identified contacts.

General process flow: Scout Leaders/Users request reservations or changes via the Scout Rooms calendar. A small number of Organization reps from the Girl and Boy Scout groups at CSH are empowered to manage the reservations and edit the resource calendars accordingly. They then communicate back to the requester(s). The CSH office is typically not involved in this process, it is managed by the Org Reps.

Before a Scout group may use the CSH facility, they must be formally trained in the Scout House opening and closing procedures. For Scout users, this process is managed by the assigned Org Reps.

Theory of operation, structure of this resource, how calendars are set up, who owns them, etc.

The resource calendars for the Scout Rooms are managed via Google Calendar under the Scout House apps domain. The calendars reside under the office secretary's account (owner). A very limited set (4 or fewer) of Scout Org Reps are given edit permission on these calendars to manage the resource (contact the office to change assigned Org Reps). These calendars are viewable to the user community via the Scout Rooms Calendar page on the website. That page contains a Google Spreadsheets form for users to make scheduling requests - this is tied to a Google spreadsheet under the office secretary's account for which edit access is granted to the Org Reps. That spreadsheet is linked to from (access restricted, click to load actual spreadsheet). Org Reps set their own rules on that spreadsheet for themselves to be notified of changes to the data (new form requests or edits) and take action on such requests accordingly (including maintenance of the resource calendar(s) and replying to the end user requesters).

Modifying Scouting web page content on the CSH site

Scouting pages content on the Scout House website is being maintained by David Owen.

CSH Web template ©2010
by Don Veino
Website content ©2025 Concord Scout House, Inc.
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